The Advanced Biomedia support consists of two phases, one is inorganic type and the other one is organic type. The inorganic phase with high porosity and geometric regularity provides a very homogeneous mechanical structure and resistance of up to 8 - 10 years compared to the usual 2-3 years in conventional biofilters. The organic phase previously sterilized and subsequently inoculated with the appropriate consortium of microorganisms, offers the adequate support for the microorganisms. Its physical characteristics allow having a lower pressure drop, which means that ventilation energy costs are almost the half of a conventional biofilter.
Due to the inoculation of specific microorganisms with the ability to purify, at the same time, nitrogenous, sulfur and VOC compounds, this system can purify the air guaranteeing too very low final odor concentrations, lower than those established by regulations and legislation in force, both national and international.
SUEZ Testimonials: Advanced biofiltration at Planta de Biometanizacion Las Dehesas - SUEZ
Credit: SUEZ group
