An advanced biofiltration solution
SUEZ has the Biocassette biofiltration system based on Advanced biofiltration technology. This technology can be considered the Best Available Technology (BAT) for treating odorous emissions from wastewater treatment plants, MSW treatment plants and composting and biodigestion plants among others, typically reaching final odour concentrations of 500 - 1,000 uoE/m3, which can unequivocally guarantee compliance with the most demanding odorous emission limits.
The biocassette is a plug & play equipment of compact and modular design, with low water and electricity consumption and with a long useful life (4-5 years) thanks to the characteristics of the selected inorganic biomedia of high efficiency (where the degradation of the odorous compounds to be treated takes place) and a stable and reliable operation.
The system is made of a fibreglass sandwich panel with polyurethane foam insulation inside. The polluted air is introduced into the lower part of the equipment and by means of an upward flow is purified through the filter medium.
Main advantages of the Biocassette system:
- The system guarantees a 95% reduction not only of H2S, but also of odorous compounds.
- Plug-and-play
- Long service life due to the selected biomedia.
- Reliable and cost-effective operation Low operational costs
- Biological destruction of the compounds, no adsorption
- Small area required for installation