Our solutions

Tertiary phosphorus removal

As Phosphorus discharged into receiving water bodies can cause eutrophication, the discharge consents for phosphorus has been in focus and strengthened in many regions in the Nordics.

Stormwater phosphorus removal

In recent years climate changes have caused an increasing frequency of heavy rain events leading to overloading of wastewater treatment plants which result in discharge of untreated wastewater, also called combined sewer overflows.

Micropollutants removal

Micropollutants are found in very low concentration, by the micro or nanogram per liter, are emerging problem in water industry and the protection of aquatic environment.

Sludge treatment via sludge carbonization

Sludge from wastewater treatment plants is today either disposed and used in agriculture as a fertilizer or sent for further external treatment prior to deposition. However, the sludge contains valuable resources that can be recovered through advanced technologies.