Ethics at the heart of our corporate strategy

Upholding ethical and societal values is central to our values, as a measure of trust and attesting to our responsibility towards our stakeholders.
Sabrina Soussan , Chairman and CEO of SUEZ

Our ethics are based on a fundamental principle that guides the behaviour of all our employees: respecting anti-corruption laws and regulations, and upholding human rights.

In addition to our ethics charter, we also provide guidelines and internal policies setting out the rules to be followed within the group. Our vigilance plan aims to prevent environmental, human rights and corruption risks in our own operations, as well as those of our subsidiaries, subcontractors and suppliers, both in France and abroad.

To demonstrate our commitment, we have signed up to the Global Compact Initiative, based on the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact.


Ethics charter


Vigilance plan


“Zero tolerance” for corruption 

We are committed to applying the highest applicable standards in terms of combating corruption and take a “zero tolerance” approach to any breaches of ethics.

Any acts of corruption may result in particularly severe social, legal or financial consequences and have a lasting impact on our reputation as well our ability to carry out and ensure the future of our operations.

This is why we have adopted a “zero tolerance” approach to any failings in this regard, which applies to the whole group and all its operations.

This principle of “zero tolerance” applies to everyone, including those acting on behalf of the group. We apply enhanced vigilance, particularly when selecting third parties working on our behalf.

Promoting a “speak up” culture within the company

We have set up a whistleblowing procedure for our employees and third parties.

We attach particular importance to establishing a “speak up” culture to enable our employees and all our stakeholders (suppliers, customers, partners, etc.) to report any actions or situations that may be in breach of our ethics charter and the resulting principles, rights and policies.

By doing so, we encourage a climate of dialogue and trust that makes it possible for everyone to report their concerns to their manager, HR department or Ethics & Compliance Officer (ECO), or via the Group’s ethics whistleblowing system at: [email protected].

For all ethics questions, please contact the Group ethics officer

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