…to provide access to water and waste services, with resilient and innovative solutions

We offer solutions to ensure you have the quality and quantity of water you need to meet your various requirements. From advice to waste collection and treatment, including sorting, we support you with waste management solutions tailored to each activity. 

Supporting Manila's population growth by ensuring access to water (Philippines) - Our UCDs® (Urban Compact Units) provide access to water for 900,000 people. This compact, modular solution can be deployed much faster than a traditional water treatment plant. 
Treating hazardous waste at the Shanghai Petrochemical Industrial Park (China) - The Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP) is one of the largest petrochemical industrial parks in Asia. Over the past twenty years, we have provided hazardous waste management services to more than 1,000 companies in and around the park. We currently treat 160,000 tonnes of hazardous waste per year, and generate energy from the waste treatment process to power the park's industrial facilities.

We support you in

Having water in quantity and quality

Find out what we are doing to ensure the quality and quantity of your water 

Managing waste

Discover our solutions for collecting and sorting waste

…to create value over the entire lifecycle of their assets and services

We support you in improving the environmental and energy performance of your water infrastructures. We provide solutions to recover waste into new materials or energy.

Preserving Macao's water resources and increasing the city's resilience (China) - With almost 700,000 inhabitants over an area of 32.9km2, Macao is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Thanks to our expertise in data management and intelligent solutions, we helped the city reduce the environmental footprint of its infrastructure, and drastically reduce leakage in its water networks.
Producing sustainable, local energy for the HUMENS industrial group (France) - Together with the HUMENS group, we are building a power plant to produce energy from solid recovered fuel (SRF), an alternative fuel made from waste, for the NOVACARB group's historic production site.  This installation will enable the site to stop using coal and reduce its CO2 emissions by 60% from the end of 2025.

We support you in

Optimising water resources

Discover our solutions for improving water infrastructures’ performance

Recycling and recovering waste

Discover our waste recycling and recovery solutions

… to drive the ecological transition, together with their end users

Helping users to control their water consumption and reduce their waste, promoting the circular economy, reducing the carbon footprint of waste, generating energy from wastewater... We develop sustainable water and waste services to support you in your environmental transition.

Managing waste for the Grand Montauban Communauté d'Agglomération (France) by creating a responsible economic model for the benefit of the community and its users - To meet the performance objectives of the Grand Montauban Communauté d'Agglomération, we are implementing innovative and collaborative actions to promote waste prevention, reduction and reuse.
Generating energy while treating wastewater in Cairo (Egypt) - The Cairo wastewater treatment plant treats the wastewater of 5 million inhabitants, and helps to preserve the waters of the Nile. By recovering the sewage sludge, we produce biogas that meets 65% of the site's energy needs and prevents the emission of 28,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year. 

We support you in

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Developing sustainable practices

Discover our solutions for more sustainable water management
Bio waste BioRessourceLab

Limiting environmental impact

Discover our actions in support of the circular economy and the reduction of the carbon footprint of waste