How does it work?
AirAdvanced®-ActiLayer is a photocatalytic coating that performs the dual function of confinement and treatment of pollutant compounds. The coating has a layer of activated carbon to adsorb pollutants. Working with an integrated titanium dioxide catalyst, UV radiation from sunlight reacts with the titanium dioxide to produce free radical species (photocatalysis) that degrade any pollutant compounds that have been adsorbed on the activated carbon layer, while regenerating the activated carbon.
The solution can be deployed efficiently and has proven to be very effective, especially for compounds such as H2S, VOCs and N2O.
SUEZ has adapted the photocatalytic process to odour treatment by implementing a patented photocatalytic cover. The canopy can be installed on outdoor sources where diffuse emissions are present to confine and treat the air in situ, avoiding the need for costly ventilation/air extraction and specific treatment systems.
AirAdvanced®-ActiLayer is modular and its design can be adapted to local conditions of use.