EUROPEAN WEEK FOR WASTE REDUCTION : SUEZ publishes the 2nd edition of the barometer conducted by Odoxa “Les Français et la réduction des déchets” (“The French and waste reduction”)
> 88% of French people, i.e., 9 out of 10 French people, consider waste reduction to be a national priority
> A growing interest in re-use practices: 57% of French people adhere to the principle of recovery centers and recycling centers
On the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, SUEZ publishes the annual barometer: “Les Français et la réduction des déchets” (“The French and waste reduction”) in partnership with the Odoxa polling institute. This new edition reveals the growing interest of French people in the environment: 9 out of 10 French people consider waste reduction to be a national priority and 56% of them think that it is necessary to adopt new ways of consuming. Faced with this observation, how do French people act to reduce their waste? What are the obstacles encountered and where are the areas for improvement?
In France, waste reduction is now a fundamental trend. Indeed, 88% of French people say they are concerned about reducing their daily waste. A phenomenon accentuated by the health crisis which has caused a change in behavior for 32% of French people. However, 64% of them regret the lack of incentives from the State and 35% report difficulties in reducing their waste, versus 30% in 2020, due to the predominance of packaging.
French people are aware of the need to change their behavior and consumption patterns
Beyond “correctly sorting,” a practice assimilated by 89% of French people, more than half of them (56%) consider that new ways of consuming must be adopted. For example, avoiding food waste and consuming tap water are common practices for 70% and 56% of French people respectively. On the other hand, only 36% of French people recycle their bio-waste in a composter and 16% buy food products in bulk. These results can be explained by the type of accommodation (apartment, house), or by the presence of services promoting waste reduction in proximity to the home.
French people are increasingly interested in re-use practices
In 2021, the reuse and second-hand sector continues to be an excellent driver of waste reduction: 68% of the people surveyed resell objects and equipment on dedicated platforms (leboncoin, Vinted, etc.) and 67% make donations to associations, recycling centers and collection trucks. In addition, 57% of French people fully support the principle of recovery centers and recycling centers.
SUEZ is accompanying this trend with the support of specialized partners from the world of the Social and Solidarity Economy for example by transforming waste disposal centers into repair, reuse and recycling centers.
• Target : sample of 12,018 French people drawn up using the quotas method, in regard to sex, age, region and socio-professional category;
• Collection type: study conducted electronically;
• Collection time: October 29 to November 8, 2021.